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How To Grant Permission For Avast 13.5 On A Mac

  1. How To Grant Permission For Avast 13.5 On A Macbook

I have just installed Win 7 on my XP system. I just make a fresh installation of win and keep all my other drive partition as it is.

All my data were on D drive.

By giving all permission to your account, you will be able to get complete control of a folder. But in some cases only the owner can assign the permission for various users, we will also cover how you can change the ownership. Hi guys, I have setup a home group network at my small office between 6 PCs for the file sharing purpose and it works fine. One thing I have no idea about as how to set an access permission for specific users to let them access my shared folders while the rest to not to do?

Actually, windows NTFS permissions combine to the least restrictive level of permissions, not the the most restrictive. If you are a member of a group with write permissions and another group with read permissions and your account is given Full Control, you have effectively full control. The post entitled “Resetting NTFS files security and permission in Windows” is very useful to show you how to reset the files permissions from the command line. However, not all readers are Continue reading 'Resetting NTFS files permission in Windows – Graphical Utility'. Avast provides you with the complete protection and can be easily downloaded from the internet. Sometimes, while using the Protection there is a need to reset the permissions. This will help the antivirus to function properly and smoothly. To reset the permissions of antivirus, the Avast Software has developed a small application. Select user/group from permission windows or click add to add other user or group. Now under Permission section check the rights which you want to grant i.e check “Full Control” under the “Allow” column to assign full access rights control permissions to Administrators group.

MacbookHow to grant permission for avast 13.5 on a mac

The problem is that when I open my excel file it opens in read only format by default, but the properties is not set to read only, I already checked it.

But when I run Excel as an Administrator (holding ctrl+shift) and then open the excel file it opens with read and write permission.

How can I open Excel as an admin all the time by default?

How To Grant Permission For Avast 13.5 On A Macbook

  1. I'm on a Mac, and I was having the same problem. After researching and nothing working, I've decided to change the name of the file, as it had a 'special character' - the '/'. I've just eliminated it, and the problem was solved.

    • Exactly my problem. / in the file name was causing the problem. Removed and problem gone! Thanks for the advice.

  2. change property of the excel app in microsoft office folder in program files. and set always run as admin thats it

  3. You need to take ownership of the folder where the excel file is, just follow the steps below:

    1. Locate the file or folder on which you want to take ownership in windows explorer
    2. Right click on file or folder and select “Properties” from Context Menu
    3. Click on Security tab
    4. Click on “Advance”
    5. Now click on Owner tab in Advance Security Settings for User windows
    6. Click on Edit Button and select user from given Change Owner to list if user or group is not in given list then click on other users or groups. Enter name of user/group and click ok.
    8. Now select User/group and click apply and ok. (Check “Replace owner on subcontainers and objects” if you have files and folder within selected folder)
    9. Click ok when Windows Security Prompt is displayed
    10. Now Owner name must have changed.
    11. Now click Ok to exist from Properties windows

    Once you have taken the ownership of file or folder next part comes is Granting Permissions to that file/folder or object.

    How to Grant Permissions in Windows 7
    1. Locate the file or folder on which you want to take ownership in windows explorer
    2. Right click on file or folder and select “Properties” from Context Menu
    3. Click on Edit button in Properties windows Click ok to confirm UAC elevation request.
    4. Select user/group from permission windows or click add to add other user or group.
    5. Now under Permission section check the rights which you want to grant i.e check “Full Control” under the “Allow” column to assign full access rights control permissions to Administrators group.
    6. Click Ok for changes to take effect and click ok final ok to exit from Properties window.

    • the link below is a RAR file contains 2 registry files one called take ownership and another called remove_owner ; the first will put take ownership in the context menu , so the file or folder you want will be taken by you easily just bu using this registr trick ( since the problem is i think is in ownership :) )

  4. Check the Run as Administrator option in Compability!

  5. its security provided to your excel files. that no one can change data of these files.its actually password protected files.
    right click on your file ->properties->remove read only mode.
    it will help you.

  6. Unless you used a backup or transferred the User from the old installation (Windows Easy Transfer) the user is considered 'new' and it's SID (Security Identified) has changed. An NTFS partition will detect this change and therefor no longer considers you the owner of the files.
    Rightclick on the partition, folder or file(s) and select Properties. Then click on the advanced button and 'Change Permissions'. Add your current user to the list with with 'Full control' and inherit these permission to the sub folders.
    If that doesn't work you can try resetting the permissions via an elevated command prompt: Use 'cd /D driveletter:' to navigate to the troublesome drive, then run the command 'icacls * /T /Q /C /RESET'

  7. This has to do with security settings on the filesystem. Since the OWNER/CREATOR was on the XP system, it can access the files normally, but all of your security identifiers on the Win7 installation do not have the correct SID (at a minimum, the machine portion has changed), so they are accessing the files as part of the Everyone, Users or Authenticated Users group which will normally only have read-only access. You can change this by going to the data directory or files you wish to change and simply add the Win7 user(s) you want to be able to edit these files without giving Excel too much access to the system (run as Administrator). You do this by right-clicking on the directory or file and selecting Properties, then the Security tab. Click on the Edit button and respond to any UAC prompt. Click on Add... then type in the user accounts you want to give access to these objects. Click Check Names to verify you haven't made a typo in the entries and if all is okay, click on the OK button. Now, with the new user highlighted, select the type of access you wish to allow. DO NOT REMOVE ANY USERS THAT START WITH 'S-1-'! These are the XP user accounts and groups that have access to the files as well. Keep clicking on OK buttons to close the dialog boxes accepting the changes.

    • I got error for some files the security permission can't be changed.
      I have over 1,000 office files some of them are in '.doc', '.docx: and '.xls', '.xlx' too.

    • did you tried the first suggested method?

  8. go to your excell folder
    C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14excel.exe
    right click on excell.exe then click on compatibility there is a checkbox Privilege level; Run This program as an administrator